1970s |
- Led the “Experimental University” operation
1980s |
- Developed “Leading humanities courses”
1990s |
- Established learner-oriented liberal arts education system
- Developed “Integrated liberal arts courses”
2001s |
- “Integrated subject model” introducing liberal arts courses
- Selected as Outstanding University in the field of liberal arts education by the Korea Council for University Education
2008s |
- Introduced the “Scranton Undergraduate Programs” for nurturing global talents
- Proposed new liberal arts education curriculum to lead the global cultural environment
2009s |
- Established “The Institute of Liberal Arts Education”
- Introduced the “Core Liberal Arts Subjects Model” and reformed the liberal arts curriculum
2013s |
- Reformed the entire liberal education curriculum
- Basic Humanities: Reinforce character and communication education
- Core Humanities: Reinforce integrated education focusing on core competence
- Established the Education Innovation Center and the MOOC Center
2015s |
- Hokma Liberal Arts University
- Reinforced integrated education and self-directed cultural studies
- Implemented liberal arts education specialized per college
- Expanded consumer-oriented humanities courses